
Ym mis Mehefin, wnaeth Techniquest croesawi gynllunwyr trefol i gyflawni dydd gyrfaoedd rhyngweithiol i blant ysgol gynradd.

Wnaeth y prosiect o’r Royal Town Planning Institute rhoi mwy na 60 ddisgyblion Mount Stewart cip olwg mewn i yrfa sy’n siapio’r byd o’n cwmpas — o’r strydoedd rydym ni’n cerdded arno i’r ysgolion maen nhw’n eu hastudio ynddo.

Cyrhaeddodd y disgyblion, o Flwyddyn 4 a 5, â chynllunwyr proffesiynol fel Dr Roisin Wilmott, dysgasant nhw’r rôl mae ystadegau yn chwarae o weithwyr o’r ONS, a hyd yn oed dyluniodd eu trefi eu hun.

Dwedodd ein Prif Swyddog Wethiredol, Lesley Kirkpatrick: “When people talk about science, very often the image that springs to mind is of a white lab coat and Bunsen burners, whereas in fact there’s a huge range of subjects that fall under the umbrella of science — and town planning is just one of them!

“I’m delighted that we’ve been able to give classes from two different schools the chance to find out more about what it means to create your very own environment from scratch, and what it’s like to work in that profession.

“The RTPI have been so generous in bringing this concept to life with us and sponsoring such an interesting pilot.

“We hope that we can make it part of our more regular educational offer in the future.”

Cafodd y grŵp eu rhannu mewn i ddau dîm a ymgeisiasant nhw i ddylunio’r dref berffaith, gan ffocysu ar weithrediad, mwynderau modern, a’r peth mwyaf pwysig — steil!

Dwedodd un athro: “The children enjoyed themselves and were engaged throughout. They particularly enjoyed designing their own town and the slide.

“The staff were very friendly and helpful, and the guests that were there for the event were knowledgeable and very approachable for the children.”

Roedd e’n bleser i groesawu’r plant a’r cynllunwyr trefol, ac rydym ni’n ddiolchgar i Dr Roisin Wilmott (RTPI), Robert Chichester (C2J Planners), Emma Watkins (Prospero Planning), Sean Taylor (Dandara), Sophie Jones and Logan Keen (Wardell Armstrong), a’r Office for National Statistics.