Techniquest is proud to support #AdiffCymru on European Researchers’ Night 2020 to help celebrate the research taking place already in Wales and to encourage more people to consider careers in research.
In a normal situation, we would be contributing to the event by hosting some activity at our building in Cardiff Bay, but with current restrictions, we are supporting #AdiffCymru remotely.
If this year has taught us anything, it’s must be the importance of STEM in each of our daily lives and the difference good quality research can have on a global pandemic. Now more than ever, we are relying on research and innovation to help steer us back to the lives we had this time last year and I believe that the silver lining of a challenging year will be the fact that so many people are now asking more questions and are curious about how they can be part of the solution.
This year is a milestone for us, Techniquest, not just because we have come up against some of our biggest challenges yet due to Covid-19, but on a lighter note, because of the launch of our brand new Science Capital project.
To radically transform our science and discovery centre and diversify our audience, the Science Capital project consists of a significant extension, expanding our floor space by 60% and introducing 52 brand-new exhibits. This is our commitment and goal to inspire our visitors of all ages to introduce them to STEM in new ways.
The Science Capital plans have been over four years in the making and the team has worked incredibly hard to ensure Techniquest can re-open even bigger and better than before. I’m delighted that we’ve seen sell-out ticket sales in our first few weeks of opening and the reception from our visitors is fantastic.
The project will give visitors a whole new experience, with brand-new exhibits that highlight exciting and innovative industries in Wales and broaden opportunities and access for STEM-related jobs in the future.