
Cafodd yr Ardal Chwarae Rôl ei drawsnewid mewn i’r Parth Chwarae Metro Bach, diolch i gefnogaeth hael o Drafnidiaeth Cymru, Siemens Mobility a Balfour Beatty.

Wedi’i ddylunio am blant dan-7, mae’r ardal newydd yn cynnwys rheilffyrdd bychan, blociau adeiladu a safle arweinydd trên i’w mwynhau, ac yn anelu at gynyddu chwilfrydedd o bobl ifanc mewn STEM i fynd ar ôl gyrfaoedd yn y diwydiant peirianneg.

Dywedodd Cyfarwyddwr Isadeiledd Rheilffordd Trafnidiaeth Cymru Karl Gilmore: “We’ve been involved in building south Wales’ Metro system for six-and-a-half years; and in those years we’ve been trying not just to build the Metro, but to leave a legacy that we could be proud of.

“Over that time, quite a few of our projects have been focused on getting into schools, so when the opportunity came up to get involved in this project, we had to jump at it.

“By nature, we are incredibly curious, and all the amazing different jobs represented in the Mini Metro — from the drivers to the signallers to the infrastructure workers — will hopefully spark the curiosity of the children that visit.”

Cafodd y prosiect ei oruchwylio gan Ddyluniwr Cynhyrchiad Creadigol Techniquest Georgia Hatton, a — gyda mewnbwn o’r tri chwmni — wnaeth dylunio ac adeiladu nifer o’r offer yn y Parth gyda’i dwylo ei hun.

Ar 8 Hydref, cafodd yr ardal newydd ei agor yn swyddogol, gyda chynrychiolwyr o bob cwmni yn mynychu Techniquest i dorri’r rhuban a dathlu prosiect y cafodd ei ddatblygu dros mwy na un mlynedd.

Dywedodd Cyfarwyddwr Rhaglenni Balfour Beatty Alasdair MacDonald: “We’re incredibly proud to have played a part in transforming this innovative space at Techniquest, which not only provides a fun and engaging environment for young children but also introduces them to the world of construction and infrastructure from an early age.

“By supporting projects like the Mini Metro Play Zone, we are able to give back to the communities in which we operate, spark curiosity and encourage young minds to explore the endless possibilities within science, technology, engineering and mathematics as well as the built environment.”

Rydym ni eisiau rhoi diolch o galon i Karl Gilmore (Trafnidiaeth Cymru), Alasdair MacDonald (Balfour Beatty) a Jason Ellis (Siemens Mobility) am eu chefnogaeth cyfredol a’u mynd i ddarparu cyfleoedd STEM llawn hwyl i’n hymwelwyr mwyaf ifanc.

Dywedodd Prif Weinidog Techniquest Sue Wardle: “Foundations in STEAM [science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics] education begin in early childhood. By engaging children in multi-sensory, hands-on experiences, they start to develop the skills they need to pursue exciting, fulfilling careers.

“What I love most about this new space is that it doesn’t just focus on one area of learning — it encourages children to be creative, solve problems, and it shows them real-world examples of the kind of work being done in STEM careers.

(O’r chwith i’r dde) Alasdair MacDonald, Balfour Beatty; Sue Wardle, Techniquest; Jason Ellis, Siemens Mobility; Karl Gilmore, Trafnidiaeth Cymru.

“We are very, very grateful to Transport for Wales, Siemens Mobility and Balfour Beatty for their support and inspiration in making this space a reality.”

Rydym ni mor gyffrous i groesawu’r cyhoedd i Techniquest nawr mae’r Parth ar agor yn swyddogol!